Find a Club
Join your local club today!
Joining your local snowmobile club only costs $75 or less per year per family. That's less than $10/month.
This is a great way to say “Thank You” to your local club for everything they do to keep the trails open and groomed.
Your level of involvement is totally up to you. You can be just a “financial supporter”, or you can get involved, meet new friends and volunteer.
We welcome members on any level. Many of our members join other clubs in the areas where they ride just to say “Thank You” to all the club volunteers.
Can I join OSSA without joining a local club?
Absolutely! We highly encourage everyone to join their local snowmobile club which automatically includes an Oregon State Snowmobile Association membership.
If you live in another state or for some other reason don't want to join a local snowmobile club you are welcome to become an OSSA only Member.
Who Can Join?
Anyone who enjoys the outdoors can be a member including cross country skiers, snow shoers, dog sledders, snow bikers and of course snowmobilers.
Why should I join?
Our mission is to protect and enhance the sport of snowmobiling. We work closely with the Forest Service and BLM to keep areas open, resolve conflicts, and to provide the quality snowmobiling that Oregon is famous for. We work with local, state, and federal legislators to protect the rights of all snowmobilers. We fight any damaging legislation, and we support legislation that helps our sport. We coordinate with industry, national and international snowmobile groups to share knowledge, provide mutual support, and protect the sport we all love so dearly.